You Only Turn 30 Once... August 01, 2007

I had so much fun on my birthday that it's spilling over to the next day.  I don't want to go to bed tonight, so I'm up late writing this, listening to David Letterman (my favorite), and eating my left over birthday cake.  I LOVE "me" time!
You know what else I love?  That what made my birthday the very best was that I got to spend the entire day with the two people I love the most - and we had such a good time...So listen to what we did.  I should re-phrase that.  Listen to what Chris and Noah did for me.  First of all, they gave me my presents as soon as Chris got home the day before so we could start my birthday celebration as soon as possible.  Noah, with Daddy's help, picked out such a sweet card for me, and drew on it for me and Chris traced his handprint on it.  I love it.  The morning of my birthday they let me sleep in and then I woke up to Noah climbing over the top of me for a hug.  Then he sat on my face.  (What could be better?)  Then Chris made me my own birthday cake, and as I'm eating the leftovers as we speak, I can say he did a good job.  German chocolate.  Me and my mom's favorite.  Yum. 
Then we set off for an impromtu day filled with some of my other favorites.  We drove to the moutains and went hiking.  Noah walked the first part on his own, well...with a little help from me.  The funniest part was when we were walking down the trail and noticed a little squirrel rear end, tail, and legs sticking out of hole in the middle of the path.  We pointed it out to Noah and then realized that like the story about Winnie the Pooh that I had read to Noah just the day before, this little squirrel must've had too much for lunch and was stuck half way into the hole!  Poor thing!  I tried to gently "help" him into the hole by pushing him with a stick (What?!  I couldn't just leave him!) and after about 5 minutes he had squeezed himself free and disappeared into the hole.  Let that be a lesson to little critters with eyes too big for their tummies. 
After our hike we went to our favorite Italian restaurant for lunch.  It was great because it was such a late lunch by then, that we were the only ones there!  That meant that we didn't have to worry as Noah could, and did, make as much noise as possible and didn't feel rushed.  He completely charmed the two waitresses working.  Then we headed home and Noah took a long nap. 
After that we took cake over to my sister Heidi's house and my "niecephews" helped me blow out my candles.
Then Noah, Chris, and I went swimming!  It was the first time that all of us actually went swimming together.  We bought Noah a big, round floaty thing to sit in, which he liked ok, but he really liked going around the lazy river in the pool, and he really liked splashing as big as he could, and he really liked when his daddy would disappear under the water and grab his legs and then pop up.  I really liked watching them.  Then we all went home together, complelty exhausted. 
Can you believe all we did in one day?  It was a great day...and after all, you only turn 30 once.


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