Sugar Bugs... September 18, 2008

I'm learning that with a child you have to use every ounce of creativity you have on a daily basis, and this is why a "sugar bug family" lives in Noah's mouth.  I picture sugar bugs as smaller versions of the Tweedle Bugs that lived in Ernie's window flower box on Sesame Street.  Remember how cute they were and how they were always having adventures and getting into mischeif?  They were one of my favoite parts of Sesame Street.  Well, Noah's sugar bugs have adventures too and every morning and night when we brush his teeth we find out what they are up to.  Big surprise - normally they are doing whatever we've been doing during the day, only I try to make it sound exciting!  I used to have a huge battle with Noah every time we brushed, holding him down in a wrestling move that I'm sure could beat any high school wrestler at the State Meet.  Now he will lie down, open his mouth and giggle when I tell him what "Mommy sugar bug, Noah sugar bug, and Daddy sugar bug" are doing in his mouth.  And to top it all, I have to put lotion on his cheeks because he has never ending chapped cheeks.  All I have to do to get that done recently is to tell him we're "painting the sugar bug house".  I let him choose what color to paint it the walls, a.k.a. cheeks, then I just smear the lotion on and tell him how "blue" or "red" or whatever color he picked it looks.
He's said a couple of funny things to me lately that I want to write down. 
He's starting to get big enough to notice things and have opinions that surprise me.  The other day I was backing out of a parking space and ran into a curb pretty hard.  Noah said, "Be careful Mama!" and since then he has commented several times on my driving technique especially if I slow down too fast or something.  He often tells me to drive faster though...Oh no.  He's going to be a driver after his Daddy's heart.  I'm afraid.
Every now and then when he's crying he'll sit there by himself and cry and then come over to me for extra sympathy and state the obvious.  In the most pathetic voice he can muster he'll say to me, "I'm cryin' Mama!".
Last night Chris went to YMs and I took Noah to the gym with me.  On the way there he started in on all the normal questions:  "Mama, what you doin' in my car?"  "Mama, where Daddy go?"  Only this time, I was very touched at where the conversation went.
Me: "Daddy went to YMs.  He's serving Heavenly Father and doing what Jesus wants him to do.  That's why he's not here right now."
Noah:  "He love Hvn'ly Fadder."
Me:  Smile.  "Yep.  He does."
Noah:  "Jesus love Daddy.  Jesus love me too.  He love me a lot!"
Ohhhh...melt my heart.  Yes, He does Noah, and I'm so proud of you for knowing that!  It makes me feel like I'm doing something right in my job as a mother and helps me realize, once again, how pure my little one is.  Noah loves to read the scriptures every night.  Many times he will march into his room at bedtime and announce that it's time for "scripture power!".


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