Things That I've Been Grateful For Lately... October 26, 2008

PBS Kids I love that the cartoons aren't violent in any way, that they totally entertain Noah, they are pretty educational, and they don't have any commercials.  I love snuggling with Noah in the mornings every day while we watch them, and they keep him busy and happy while I get things done.  Dumdums and that someone thought to make them really small so that I don't feel too guilty when Noah has like 5 or 6 of them a day for potty treats.  Conference talks available to listen to on the internet, specifically Pres. Uchtdorf's ones on hope and happiness and Elder Holland's on angels.  Sisters, sisters, and more sisters.  I love mine!  A wonderful husband who works from home on Mondays and is my favorite person in the whole world.  Pandora.  Music.  Books.  Freecell.  Scrabble with my honey.   Stability and security in a world of in(security/stability).  Pushing Daisies.   Friends, especially Terri Okey.  Neighbors and how nice it is to go to church with them.  Sanitizing wipes.  Having a two year old, my two year old,  for a few more months.  I really love two year olds...  Ann Cannon's column.  Coupons.  Food storeage.  An entire month of good weather during October.  That daylight savings time doesn't come until later than it used to.  In Noah's exact words, "Dark!  Go away!!!  I mad at you!".  Sleeping.  Breakfast cravings in the middle of the night.  A healthy body.  That today was a we-went-on-two-walks kind of day.  Pictures.  Reading books with Noah.  Tiny toilets.  Having two cars.  That Skippy has lasted so long and hasn't cost us much.  The Treehouse Museum.  My testimony of the Gospel and Jesus Christ my Savior.


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