Moments of Mommyhood... November 07, 2008

I'm so grateful to be able to experience Mommyhood, and, Noah, I'm so grateful for you.  There are so many wonderful moments in it that make me laugh and giggle, feel carefree and fulfilled, and so happy.  We had a lot of fun and funny moments yesterday.  Here are just a couple of them:
(I can't really believe I'm admitting the way.)  We went to the Treehouse Museum yesterday and you told me even before we got there that you were excited to play with the "horsies".  They have an entire table of medieval figurines including lots and lots of horses dressed for battle and knights--armed with spears and swords--to ride them.  This is fast becoming one of your favorite parts of the museum.  When we got there though, the firefighter truck and costumes were too much to resist so we spent the whole first hour playing there.  Then I reminded you about the "horsies" upstairs and we headed up.  It'd been a while since you went to the bathroom, and you were acting like you needed to go, so we stopped there first.  You must've been really distracted by the fire engine because now it was turning into a real emergency to get to the bathroom fast enough.  Well, lets just leave out the gory details but say that we had a little incident in the bathroom stall and somehow you ended up clean and dry but you peed on my pants!  I told you that we were going to need to go home now because my pants were all gross.  You were really disappointed because you had been so excited to play with those horses.  You started to cry and I could tell you didn't get why I was suddenly going to make you go I caved.  Yes people, that means I wandered around the Treehouse Museum for another entire hour with a peed-on lap while I hoped that no one noticed my pants were wet, and if they did notice I hoped they just thought it was water from the sink.  That's how much I love you Nobo.  (To any museum goers out there, don't worry.  I made sure I didn't touch my peed-on pants to any part of the exhibits.)
Last night I had such a sweet moment with you Noah.  We gave you a pumpkin shaped lantern/flashlight for Halloween and you've been having fun exploring dark rooms with it lately.  Last night I decided to take you up to your room and read stories on our snuggle spot with only the light from your flashlight.  We had such a good time.  It was one of those priceless moments that I hope to never forget, but know that I will so I just have to write it down and enjoy it when it happens.  We read a few stories and then I showed you how if we shined the light on the ceiling, we could make hand shadows.  You giggled and giggled when my big mommy hand "attacked" your tiny Noah hand and you said, "Let's do it again!!" over and over so we did.
I had to laugh after we had put you to bed and I was changing into my pjs because I realized I was still wearing those same peed-on pants.  I guess that's a sign of Mommyhood that you can forget about something like that!
P.S.  We went to the Treehouse Musuem AGAIN today.  We sure love it there.  Buying a year pass has been the best money I've spent all year long.  We go there just about every week, and almost always, we go with our friends Terri, Austin, and Connor.  I brought my camera today because I realized I don't have very many pictures of Noah there and it's such a big part of what we do every week that we needed to get some pictures there.  I realized today that the reason I don't ever bring my camera is because I'm usually too busy chasing Noah around to haul a camera and he's too busy to sit still even for a second for a picture!


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