On Again, Off Again... October 14, 2008

We've had a busy morning already.  We've been awake for an hour now and the first 40 min. went like this: "Mommy!  Pirate costume!", so first I made Noah go pee pee on the toilet and then I put him in his pirate costume.  The very second I finished getting it on him I hear, "Mommy!  Full, full!  Change me.  I go poo poos."  So I take his costume off and we take off his diaper to find out that it's completely clean and dry.  So I put him on the toilet.  After about 60 seconds he pronounces he's done, even though nothing has happened.  We put his diaper back on and then his costume, again.  The second we finish getting his entire ensemble on I hear, "Mommy!  Poo poos!".  I verify with him that he needs/wants to go poo poos on the toilet.  Yep, he does even though not two minutes ago we were JUST DOING THAT!  So, off comes the costume and the diaper.  On he goes.  A few minutes later, hooray, the stinkys are in the toilet.  Yay for Noah!  We put his diaper back on and also his costume.  Then we go find his winter boots to make the look "complete", in his eyes.  Somehow all that dressing and undressing, sitting on the toilet, cleaning up the toilet, and washing hands every time takes 40 whole minutes and finally we make it downstairs.  It's been busy already!


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