Brendan Caught One! September 07, 2008

Noah's memory is so fun.  Sometimes he surprises us with the things he remembers and when they come up.  He was upstairs playing just a few minutes ago and I was a bit worried about what mischief he might be getting into so I went upstairs.  He was playing in his room and I snuck to the door and watched for a minute.
He was fishing.  His blanket was the rod and line and he was on his bed, like it was the boat.  He was casting his line into the water (floor) and kept yelling, "Brendan caught one!"  At Tony Grove Lake a couple of weeks ago he went out with Grandpa and Uncle Brendan and they caught a whole mess of fish in short order.  Brendan caught most of them.  So, in Noah's mind, successful fisherman = Uncle Brendan.  I guess I've got some fishing and teaching to do!


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