Our Little Surfer May 09, 2008

Okay, my little boy is super cute and now he's officially a surfer like me.  In an earlier post I wrote about taking him surfing.  Well, last night he took us surfing.
After dinner, and completely out of the blue, Noah grabbed his high-chair tray, stood on it, started moving around, and said, "I surf!"  He's so cool.  He spent some time lying down on the board/tray like you do when you paddle a surfboard, some time moving around on top while standing, and some time jumping off of it, which is either his way of bailing off the wave or some new trick I haven't seen in all my years of surfing.
Basically, this means my master plan to get him surfing on his own next year (in super small waves right by daddy in knee deep water) is on track.  The little grommet will be going all out in no time!  I guess it's time to start shopping seriously for that little surfboard I've had my eyes on.
P.S. Laura's pretty on board with this after watching a little kid in San Diego a couple of years ago.  Shallow water, dad right there, no danger.  Her surfing experience didn't go so well (ask her about it someday), but she's a super cool wife and mother! 


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