A Life So Sweet... February 12, 2008

(written by Chris)
It's not quite 10:00 at night and the house is virtually silent; only the refrigerator and furnace taking turns making noise.  I just came down from upstairs where I tucked in my sweet little boy, kissed his cheek, and wished him a good night.  My other love is asleep on the chair in the family room eight feet from me, exhausted from a week cooped up while the van was in the shop and I was away at work, too busy to be much help or provide much moral support.  Life is great, though.
Tonight we hung out a little bit and didn't do anything special.  We don't have any grand plans for our weekend, but it's blissfully empty of commitments.  The peace of our house right now as my two loves slumber and the promise of a hard-earned weekend pointlessly and pricelessly spent together weave into a much warmer quilt than anything else I can imagine.
If you read enough of Laura's entries in this blog, or know her even remotely as well as I do, you know some of how blessed I am.  I feel all of that tonight as I've been thinking about her, her beauty and her earnestness.  She makes me so much better.  And that little Nobo of mine fills my heart too.  He's such a good boy and it's with such unmatched joy that I watch him grow every day.  I've been working more lately and aching for the lost hour or more with him each day.  The sweetest, and saddest, part is that I can see he misses me too.
I feel like I'm aimlessly writing and that this post has no point, but maybe that is the point.  Sometimes life is so rich without any good reason.  There are moments we don't expect when thoughts and moods strip life of the silly varnish we try to put on it.  With all the junk gone (good and bad junk) we get to peek at and feel the things that matter, and they move us. 
That's what I'm feeling tonight.  No thoughts of work or what I want or think I need, just the stuff in my heart.  It's warm and peaceful in our house tonight, without the rush of anything, only the silence of my loves sleeping reminding me of just how blessed I am to have such peace.
