Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow... February 05, 2008

O.K.  It can stop snowing now!  We have gotten so much snow in the past few weeks.  Chris has been busier than normal with work, so I have been trying to be nice and shovel it so he doesn't have to worry about it when he gets home.  I know all about how much snow we've been getting; my arm muscles can prove it!  I took Noah outside yesterday to play after his nap and when we were standing on the sidewalks on the side of the house where it doesn't get as much sun the snow came up to his shoulder.  That's a lot of snow!  And that's pretty much how deep it is out there without including the piles of snow we've (I've) had to mound in places to clear the driveway.  The mailboxes on our street are almost buried, the piles by the driveway are almost as tall as me.

Noah looks so cute in all his snow clothes, doesn't he?  I love it.  kind of like the Stay-puffed Marshmallow Man.  He likes to help me shovel.  He tells me, "My turn." and tries to take my shovel from me.  I love having his help, until he figured out how to take his gloves off and I had to take him in after only 10 minutes of playing in the snow and "helping" me.  (It takes at least that long to get him all dressed up!)  I got smart yesterday though and I safety pinned his goves to his shirt sleeves and then put his coat on on top.  Hee, hee Noah.  Just see if you can outsmart that!  You have to be creative to be a mom to a two year old! 
Yesterday we pretty much just went on a walk down the cleared sidewalks because the snow was too deep for him to stand in.  He kept falling over and couldn't really walk in the snow when we tried it.  I tried building us a snowman, but it didn't work too well because the snow is so powdery. 
On our walk Noah kept falling into the snowbanks on purpose just to play.  It was more like leaning into them though because they were so tall.  His favorite thing was the dog we found on our walk.  Noah kept "woofing" at him and didn't want to leave.  He's so fascinated by animals right now.  We also saw a kitty, but he wouldn't touch it; he just stared at it and said, "Meow."  At the end of our time outside Noah and I went across the street to say hi to some of the "big kids".  Noah so much wants to be big and whenever he gets around kids who are a few years older than him he just stands there and stares at them, looking up at them with a face that says, "I pretty much adore everything you are doing right now."  Then he giggles a little bit and tries to tell them in his two year old language something that he knows about that he thinks is fun or cool.  It's so cute. 
It's like that at church with the "big kids" too.  Last Sunday at church in the middle of sacrament meeting he snuck out of our pew and went to stand next to the teacher who's job it was to sit by the door and pass out programs.  Noah just stood there for a minute looking up at that 14 year old boy with a look full of awe.  Then he giggled a bit and pointed out the firefighter badge on the jacket he was wearing.  Yeah, pretty cool Noah.  I'm sure he was impressed.  Maybe not impressed like you hoped, but I'm sure he couldn't help but think you were adorable.


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