Kids Say the Darndest Things July 22, 2008
You know the old Art Linkletter show, "Kids Say the Darndest Things"? Well, they do.
Tonight I went in to tell Noah to go to bed after he’d been awake in his bedroom for awhile. I love going in and pretending to be firm when I tell him to go to sleep. Then he suckers me in for some conversation and sweet hugs and kisses. Well tonight was extra sweet. It’s my little daddy secret that I pretend to go be the enforcer but really I’m getting sweetness and hugs from my little boy. I got extra tonight.
It’s been a hard day for me and Laura and Noah’s been joyfully oblivious. But not quite oblivious, as I was about to find out. I asked him if he was happy. He said he was. I told him that mommy and daddy were sad and I decided to try to explain to him why we were sad. I said, "remember the baby in Erin’s tummy?" Noah’s response, "Heavenly Father." Me: "Is he with Heavenly Father?" Noah: "Uh-huh."
Neither Laura nor I have told Noah really anything about this but after tonight’s conversation I really think that somehow his heart has an inkling of understanding. It’s wonderful to be a parent and one of our comforts is that the joy of being a parent again someday is going to be even greater than the pain at our loss is deep. I’m glad to have Noah remind me of how great it can all be.
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