My Little Pirate... May 22, 2008

I had such a sweet moment with you just now.  You have been fascinated with pirates lately, ever since we went to Disneyland and you went on Pirates of the Caribbean.  You have a little green bandana with a pirate logo on it that you got on our trip and you call it your pirate hat.  Today you've been saying, "See pirates!" and wanting to wear your "hat" so we spent a little time watching people's home videos of the pirate ride on You Tube.  You love it and sing the along with the "Yo ho" song, only you sing, "Yo, yo, yo, yo" without any other words.  Today for quiet time before your nap you wanted to, "See pirates" again, so I put on the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean and we watched the first unscary but very piratey parts.  After about 20 minutes or so of sitting next to you in the papi chair I got tired so I snuggled my head down on the pillow next to your little body.  Apparently, that wasn't snuggly enough because you put your arm under my head like you wanted me to put my head on your shoulder.  You must've been tired too, because after about 30 seconds in that position, you rested your little head on my head and I watched your sweet face as your eyes became too heavy to keep open and you fell asleep.  You are so precious.  Please promise me that you will always be my little boy, even when you've grown into my big one ok?  You are such a light in my life.  I love you.


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