Thoughts on Being an Expectant Mother the Second Time Around... May 15, 2008

So, you all know we are hoping to adopt again.  We've been approved and waiting with LDSFS for almost a year now.  This time around it feels different.  Last time I was so excited to have a baby, this time I'm so excited to have another person in our family.  I can't wait to see what his/her personality will be like.  I can't wait to get to know this little person.  I'm excited to spend my days, and nights, with him/her.  I'm looking forward to seeing what new dynamic (s)he will add to our home.  When I was waiting for Noah I pictured hours and hours sitting alone with him all quiet up in his nursery just rocking his sweet, little, sleeping newborn self.  Although the newborn stage is amazingly precious, this time I'm wildly excited to find out what our child is going to be like, to watch him/her blossom and develop.  To see what weird quirks and what talents (s)he will have.  I think this is because Noah is so much more than the baby I always longed for; he's one of my best friends and one of my two favorite people.  It's incredible to think that another child is someday going to come to our family and mean just as much. 


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