A few new words... June 20, 2007

Noah is getting so good at talking, although it sounds almost like he's speaking his own language because his words are so hard to understand still!  Don't worry though Noah, Mama and Dada know what you're saying!  He's getting so good at imitating our words that it's getting harder and harder to keep track of what "new" words he says, because he's said so many.  Good job Noah!  He has said a bunch of words and sounds once after we say it, but I only count it as a "new word" if he says it throughout the day and on his own.  Here are a couple of new ones:
"stuck" - only it sounds like "uuhk!"  I hear it inbetween little cries when he climbs up on a chair that he doesn't think he can get off of on his own, when he climbs into his dump truck and can't get out, or this morning when he got his little finger "uuhk" in the door of our VCR.
"meow" - except for when he says it, there's no "m" in the word.  He says it in a really high, soft, sing-song kind of voice...and it's really cute...
"No" isn't a new word, but he's been answering all my questions that way - and that's new...unfortunately!  He'll even say no to things that I know he wants!  And then he'll do the sign for "please" to ask for it.  He says it with a little high pitched voice and with a little attitude, like he's teasing me.
"wow" - He must've picked this up from his cousin Luke on Father's day.  Now Noah will say "wow" in a whispered voice when he likes something. 


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