Quote of the Day... June 25, 2008

I love Ann Cannon.  She writes a column for the Deseret News every Monday that I love to read.  I love it so much that for the past couple of years I have wanted to print a couple years worth of her articles on festive paper, bind them, and give them to my neighbors for their "neighbor present" along with some hot chocolate to sip while they read them.  If someone gave that to me I would be thrilled.  I haven't done it because I'm afraid that other people would think I'm just weird.  Instead they got a bag full of gingerbread cookies that didn't turn out very well and last year a plate of fudge that looked like little chunks of messy brown stuff...not too appetizing.  Anyway!  Ann included a quote in her column this week that I really liked and I wanted to save it somewhere so I could remember it, so it's going here in my blog.
"The French novelist Anatole France observed that 'all changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.' " 


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