The Two Guys in My Life... March 05, 2008

I'm so proud of my honey Christopher!  One of the things I love about him is how optimistic and adventureous he is.  Every year the White House hires 12-18 people for a one year program called "The White House Fellows".  These 12-18 "Fellows" are each assigned as a special assistant to high ranking people who work in the White House such as the Vice President and Cabinet members.  Once a week they have a private meeting with the President.  It's an incredible professional experience.  Every year about 1000 people apply for these coveted positions, and this year Chris was one of them.  We just got an email yesterday to tell us that Chris has been chosen as one of only 97 regional finalists!  So, March 25-27 Chris and I are flying to Chicago for him to attend the interview.  After the interviews they will choose 30 national finalists who will then be flown to Washington DC for another interview and then the 12-18 positions will be offered.  All of this happens by the end of June and the Fellowship starts in Aug.  I think Chris is so amazing for wanting to do this, and I'm so, so proud of him for making it this far.  I told him last night that it's nice for other people to see a tiny bit of what I already see in him.  It's validating for him, but to me, I don't need anyone else to tell me what I already see so obviously - that he's amazing. 
This is a picture we took together in our home photo studio for his application.  He's such a hottie!
The little man in my life never ceases to amaze me either.  Every new thing he does is exactly that to me - brand new.  I'm sure the "break throughs" he's making have been made by every other child in the existence of humankind, but to me they are incredible as if he is the first to ever discover how to tell me his thoughts by talking or play games that he makes up on his own.  One of our favorite games to play I call "run as fast as you can!".  Months and months ago he surprised me, it was before he was even really talking much, he heard me listening to Tiffany's song "I think we're alone".  In the song she sings, "runnin' just as fast as we can, holdin' onto one another's hand".  Noah heard that and ran as fast as he could back and forth between my room and his over and over again.  It was obvious to me that he picked that out of the song and then did what she sang.  Amazing!  Well, that's where we get our game from.  He comes to get me, holds my hand, and then asks me to "run fast!" and we do and I sing the song while we run and giggle.  Sometimes he even falls down on purpose when I sing, "tryin to get away into the night, and then you put your arms around me and we tumble to the ground and then we say...".  So cute Noah, and so smart.
He's really good at music.  He loves to boogie and dance, and has his own favorite songs.  He's a big fan of Gwen Stefani and will request "Whee-ooo" (a.k.a. "Sweet Escape") often.  The other day we were in the car driving and the first few notes of a song came on and he recogized it right away.  It was a song that we haven't really talked a lot about, or even necesarrily listened to over an over.  It's the song "Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat and at the very beginning she says, "Will you count me in?".  Like I said, after only a few of the beginning notes of the song Noah beat her to it and said, "Count me in!"  I almost couldn't believe it! 
He talking so much more now.  Just about everything he says is in sentences now, and I love to hear his thoughts.  In the middle of the night last night, I went to check on him and tuck him in.  He was awake enough to notice me and I asked him if he was having sweet dreams.  He told me he was and that he was dreaming of his "sleeping bag and Winnie the Pooh".  Sounds like a good dream to me.  He's got such a simple and sweet little mind.  I love you Nobo.
He does so many things that are funny to us.  The other night for dinner we fed him some strawberries.  Chris lhad quartered them all for him before giving them to him to eat.  After a minute Chris looked over and noticed that he had stood them up all on their ends like the stawberries were standing up.  Chris asked him about them and Noah told him they were like trees.  We laughed and thought it was so querky that he would think it would be fun to play with his food like that.  Here's a picture of him with his "tree stawberries".  What a kid!


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