Being One Year Old Is Hazardous to His Health... October 12, 2007

It's a good thing I say my prayers as soon as I wake up before I even get out of bed in the morning.  Yesterday morning while lying in bed I asked Heavenly Father to bless us to be healthy, strong, and safe.  It's a good thing I did because, as I found out, being one year old can be a hazardous thing!  (No matter how hard mommy tries to make the world a safe place to live in!)  So, here's how I found that out.
The day started like any other day.  I was sleeping peacefully and then I heard a cute little Noah voice coming from his crib.  Sometimes I hear this little voice cry, "Dada!"  sometimes it's, "Mamaaaaa!", yesterday it  happened to be no name at all, just him in there talking nonsense, probably to his Winnie the Pooh "friends" (his description, not mine) that sit on his dresser.  Since it sounded like he would be happily preoccupied for the next two minutes, I decided that left me enough time to say my prayer, grab some laundry, run down to the basement, throw it in the washer, and run back upstairs to pick him up out of his crib.  Silly me.  While in the basement I heard a loud thump and some muffled crying.  I hurried upstairs to find Noah walking towards me about to come down the stairs.  I never got him out of his crib!  That's when it hit me that that huge thump was him jumping/falling out of his crib.  He was so scared and crying so hard he was hardly making any noise.  I scooped him up, gave him my best loves, and decided right then that it was now time to switch Noah to a big boy bed.
That night we took Noah to Toys R Us, which he discovered was little kid heaven, and bought him a new bed.  We took him home and he and Daddy put it together.  We were all so excited about it, especially Noah.  I could really tell that he thought it was new and exciting and just for him.  When we put him to bed that night, the excitement kind of wore off for us parents though because it took him about 2 seconds to figure out that he could get out of bed, play with his toys, escape from his room to the top of the stairs, play some more, and then call for us - over and over and over again.  After about an hour and a half, one trip to Walmart to buy those child proof door handles (which didn't work!  He figured it out in about 1 second this time), we were so ready for Noah to sleep.  Chris finally got him to go to bed by holding the doorknob to his room so Noah couldn't play with it or get out and Noah decided his new bed really was a nice place to sleep. 
