How Did I Get This Old?... May 18, 2008

I realized something today that shocked me, and I know this is going to sound stupid, but anyway...when I was changing out the empty roll of toilet paper in the bathroom today for a new one I realized that that is one of my "official" jobs and that therefore that is living proof that I'm the "Mom" in our house.  Since when did I get old enough to be the mother?  How did I get that old?  When did all of this happen?!  I still feel like I'm kind of just "pretending" to be married and "pretending" to be a mother, but then and there in the bathroom I realized the undeniable truth - I am the mom.  And how appropriate that I should figure that out then and there.  Isn't that the duty of moms, to do the little things around the house that get taken for granted but that make it such a nicer place to be?  To throw away the empty toilet paper rolls, to clean off the disgusting food leftovers trapped in the tiny places of a high chair that only a two year old can get it shoved into, to put the old dish towels in the laundry so they don't stink up the whole house?  As I was doing all those things, those things that have mysteriously become a part of my job description, I had flashbacks to my childhood.  Times when I'd go to bed with a messy room and in the morning I'd wake up to a closet full of clean clothes and everything "magically" tidied up.  Thank you mom.  I always knew it was you who was doing all of those things, but today I really appreciated that you had done them for me.  I love you.


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