What I Want My Husband To Know... August 07, 2008
My Dear Christopher,
There have been a lot of things happening in our lives lately, some good, some incredibly painful, but I can say that I am grateful for all of those things if only for one reason and that's because I feel so close to you right now. There are some things that I want you to know, and maybe it'll help you to know how much I mean them if I share them with the rest of the world, or at least with our family and friends, so here they are:
I adore you. Everything you do is interesting to me. There isn't a part of you that I would change, but it is incredible to me to watch you become more of the god that you will someday be every day. I think that's why I love you more every day.
I'm so grateful for you. You make the happiest parts of my life richer than I could ever dream, and most often, you are the reason for the happiest parts.
You are my home. I'm not my whole self without you and with you I am better than I could ever be all by myself. You are the other half of who I am and I love that no matter what happens in this life, that we are each other's future.
I cherish you. After almost twelve years of being your wife I'm still eager to spend every waking moment that I can with you. I miss you the second you kiss me goodbye in the morning and can feel my face light up when I see you again when you come home. My life would be more perfect if I could spend every day all day long with you. I never get enough of you. I wish every dream I ever had at night was filled with you. I love that my best memories are.
The reason for this post is that I wanted to show everyone the room you made for me while I was gone with my mom and sister in Cedar City. However, I couldn't tell everyone what you did for me without telling them all how I feel about you. Sometimes, it just gushes right out of me. I'm so grateful that God gave me to you and you to me. I love you so much...
So, you all know that I've been having a really hard time lately. (I'm doing ok, really, even though losing our dream and our child has been heartbreaking.) So, my sweet Christopher wanted to do something extra special for me for my birthday. For a few years now we've been debating how to decorate our room. We've picked so many different colors of paint for the walls that I can't even remember them all! I have no idea how he got it done, but he tells me it was during Noah's nap time and that he stayed up until 3am. When I came home from a girl's night out/sleepover to Cedar City with my mom and my sister Megan, this is what he surprised me with.
I had no idea he was even planning this. It's been so wonderful to have such a peaceful, happy place to be in our home. I love it!
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