The Funny Things that You Do... August 09, 2008

Noah, I literally thank God for you every day.  I'm so grateful for you.  One of the biggest gifts you've given me lately is helping me to smile and laugh.  Here are some of the funny things you've been doing lately and other things that have made me smile.
Yesterday you rescued me!  I love to see how you are growing more and more independent.  Yesterday, for the first time ever, you helped me when I wasn't capable of helping myself...and it was in such a funny way.  I went into "your" bathroom, sat down, and realized that it was one of those awful moments when there is no toilet paper left on the roll.  Oh no!  But I shouldn't have worried because Super-Noah was to the rescue.  I called to you and asked you to go into my bathroom and bring me a whole bunch of toilet paper.  You looked at me all confused because you normally get in trouble for "using" a.k.a. playing with the toilet paper.  I could see the wheels going in your mind as you worked to understand what I was asking and then you smiled and busily ran down the hall to my room.  Before I knew it you were back at my side with lots of toilet paper just like I needed.  You are my super hero!
You are still way into pirates.  The past day or so you've been making a face by sticking each of your pointer fingers into the corners of your mouth and pulling sideways.  You tell me it's your "scary pirate face".  I don't really believe you...that it's scary I mean!  Last night you were asleep in your bed and I went to cover you up and kiss you before I went to bed.  I woke you up just enough for you to be barely conscious.  Without saying a word or making a sound you propped yourself up on your elbows, made your "scary pirate face" with your fingers (eyes still shut), and fell asleep again in the middle of making your face.  I couldn't help but giggle.  I wonder what you were dreaming about...pirates I'm sure.
When you run you really don't go very fast.  Or at least, not as fast as I think you could although it still feels like I am never able to catch you!  The reason you don't get going very fast is because you put so much effort into twisting your torso back and forth and swinging your arms.  This morning we went to the hollow with your daddy to get some exercise.  We told you we were all going running.  When we got there I told you you could run as fast and as much as you could.  You looked at me all enthused and said, "And I can do lots of this" and then you brought your arms into your "running position" and moved them back and forth.  I guess you think that by swinging your arms like that it helps you to go super fast.  Maybe that's why you do that all the time!


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