Spruced Up For Sunday... January 20, 2008

Look at my cute little boy and my other cute not-so-little boy.  Aren't they adorable?  They look so good all dressed up for church.  They went to church without me today so I could get some rest.  Before they left, I took these pictures of them.  Noah was being silly.  It's hard to get him to stand still for a picture because the second I get him him standing/sitting where I want him to be and hurry back a few feet with my camera to take it, he comes after me wanting to see the picture and I haven't even taken it yet! 
Yesterday Chris and Noah were watching a kids program on PBS about animals who were making scary faces.  Chris made a scary face and asked Noah to make one.  This is what his scary face looked like today when we asked him to make one. He's been really into being "scared" lately.  He tells me he's "scared" all the time.  The pediatrician says it's because he's learning about feelings, and even feeling things he's never felt before.  Sometimes I think he likes to be scared because he will beg to watch a scary movie (lately it's "Shrek" which actually gave him nightmares for the first time the other night), or will want to look at a "scary" picture in a book over and over again.
Poor Chris.  Aparently, Noah was quite the handful at church today during sacrament.  Well, he's two...and he's been cooped up all week long.  I keep telling Noah this week is going to be a lot more fun for both of us.  We're going to get out and do fun things every day!
After church I fed Noah lunch while I read him the "Mouse Cookie" book that my parents gave him for Christmas.  (If You Give a Mouse a Cookie)  He really likes that, so thanks Grandparents!  Then he fell asleep with his "George" (Curious George - Sam gave it to him for this birthday.  Thanks Sam!) in the papi chair while I ate my lunch and he watched Monsters Inc.  He's so cute.


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