A Few Sweet Moments with Noah... December 14, 2007

We are in the process of weaning Noah from his pacifier, AGAIN.  I swear this is the third or fourth time we have done this!  I thought we were all done with pacifiers until we moved the couch in the living room when we brought our Christmas tree home and low and behold, there was his favorite one.  He noticed it right away and since then, life has practically revolved around his "fier!" as he calls it.  The problem is that he eventually bites them which puts holes in them which makes them unsafe and which means we have to throw them away.  The other day it was nap time and he was asking for his "fier", but I didn't get it for him or couldn't find it.  He cried and cried until he finally fell asleep.  A few hours later he woke up and Chris and I went into his room to say hello and get him.  I said something like, "Noah, good job falling asleep without your pacifier." and he said, "I cried."  I thought it was so sweet.  I had to throw away his last pacifier yesterday because it had too many holes in it, so this should be the final "fier" battle.  It's been a rough couple of days, especially around nap time.  I've had to put him in the car and drive around to get him to go to sleep for his nap two days in a row now.
Noah is so funny because he talks a lot, but most of time he just says one syllable from each word.  He really does speak his own language!  Last night Chris took Noah Christmas shopping for me and Noah ended up getting a really cool Superman action figure that is the size of a doll.  It's so cool!  Noah couldn't wait, and either could his Daddy, so they unwrapped it from the packaging when they were still in the mall.  Noah calls it his "Sup" (sounds like "soup") and even had to sleep with it last night.  When I got home from what I was doing last night he had to tell me all about it and show me where "Sup's" hair and cape were.  I guess those were the most impressive parts.  And he also pointed out to me that "Sup" flies.  Pretty cool, Noah.
Noah and I went shopping the other day to get Mason and Kimmy a present.  I talked it up the whole way there explaining that we were making a special trip to the store just to get them a present for Christmas and that he could help me pick it out.  We got them a really cool monster puppet that comes in a bag.  It's a bit scary looking and Noah was fascinated, but didn't want to touch it because he was a bit afraid.  He kept saying, "Rawr!" and then laughing in an excited, nervous way.  By the time we were walking out to the car he was wanting to hold it and I told him that he could but that we couldn't really play with it because it was for Mason and Kim.  He said, "No.  Mine!".  We had a little talk about how Christmas means that sometimes you pick out a present for someone else and it's something that you really want but you give it to them anyway.  It was the first time that we've ever had that conversation.  When we got to the car he was upset that I wouldn't stand there and hold the puppet for him to look at because I needed to drive, but he wouldn't hold it either because he was too scared of it.  So I put it in the seat next to him and he turned his head away from it because apparently that was too scary too, however, I did notice him taking sneak peeks at it on the way home!
Some of my favorite words/phrases that he says are:  "Dada at work?" (He says first thing in the morning when I go in to get him and he realizes that his Daddy isn't there.)  "Here." (Heavy on the "r" sound.)  "Mine!" (A typically popular word for someone his age, and even though I don't want to hear it too often, I love what is says about his developing sense of self, independence, and esteem.)  "Arthur" (sounds kindof like "Ar-r".)  Anything with a "l" sound is so funny because he sticks his tongue out of his mouth in an attempt to make the sound but it gets even more mixed up that way!)  I love the elephant sound he makes, but I don't like it when he makes it when he is drinking milk and spitting it all over the place.  He does this every day...


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