Becoming More Like an Elephant Every Day... June 23, 2008

Noah, your memory is getting to be so good!  It used to be a struggle for you to repeat two or three words that I would ask you to say, now you are able to increase that to just about a whole sentence.  The funnest result of this is that you are learning to sing.  You can now remember and say in a little sing-song voice an entire lyric.  Instead of just singing "yo, yo, yo, yo" like you did a few weeks ago you can sing, "Yo, ho, yo, ho, pirates life for me!".  (You still will leave a word or two out of the phrase which makes it extra "toddler" cute.)  You will sing, "E O, E O, E O, Ooooo" for Old McDonald, and every time we sing it together and I get to the point in the song where I ask you what animal is on the farm you ALWAYS will say a cat, even if we've just sung about a cat!  You are so funny.
You've been extra cuddly today.  I love how affectionate you are.  It's a mixed blessing during meal times though because you still eat a great deal with your hands, then your hands get all messy, and we sit next to each other at the kitchen counter (well, you stand on your chair and I sit on the stool) and it never fails that you want to climb over to my lap, constantly touch my shoulder (with your mess-a-licious hands) and want to give me hugs.  I swear I end up wearing what you eat every day!
You still love to squish your cheek next to mine to show your love.  It's one of my favorite things in the whole world.
Aunt Linda and I were talking together today about how in a couple of months she will be sending Mason to first grade which means he will be there for what will feel like all day long and she will only see him for a few hours every night.  I can't believe the time has gone by so fast and he is that old.  Thinking about that and how that will be you way too fast makes my heart hurt.  You're my little buddy that I love to spend all day with.  How in the world am I ever going to be ok sending you away to school every day?  Now I know why mommies cry on the first day of Kindergarten.  I'm sure I'm not the first to feel this way.  At least we still have a few more years of complete togetherness.  How nice.
Tonight for FHE we all worked on the sprinklers together in the back yard.  You love to work in the back yard with us.  Mainly it's because it normally involves the hose, which you love to get wet in and today got 2 different outfits soaked that way, and because you get to "help" Daddy and play with all his tools.  For the spiritual part of FHE we sang songs out of our little Primary songbook.  I can tell that's going to turn into a favorite daily activity for us.  You love that the songbook is so small and fits so well in your hands.  You love that there are so many pages to choose from, so many pictures to look at, and (am I vain to say it?), you love that I sing to you from it.


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