And the Fun Just Keeps Coming... July 27, 2007

We think Noah set a record yesterday for how many times he has laughed in one day.  We spent the whole day with his birthmom Heather at one of our favorite mountain lakes.  We canoed, went on a little hike, waded in the water, chased a chipmunk, threw rocks into the water, and just had a pretty much perfect day.   Noah loved playing with Heather.  He was in such a good mood, and was having so much fun, that he kept doing his crazy, high-pitched laugh over and over again all day long.  It was hillarious!  He did pretty well in the canoe.  I thought he would be trying to climb into the water the whole time, but he only tried it a little a few times.  Mostly, he just wanted to lean over and put his hand in the water and watch what was going on.
It was fun to share with Heather how big Noah is getting.  He can say so many words now!  One of our favorite words he uses is "cookie" which he uses to ask for anything that looks like a treat to him.  He also kept saying "drink" when he saw the water.  When we gave him a sippy cup on the canoe, it took him about 20 seconds before he threw it overboard and we had to paddle around to fish it out!  He did the same thing with his granola bar.  I guess he thought the fish were hungry...or something...
After we were done with the lake, or more appropriately, Noah was done, we headed back down the canyon for some "linner".  We went to one of our favorite restaurants called the Bluebird.  It's a neat place to visit because it's been in business there since 1914.  Wow.  After a yummy lunch/dinner we headed home exhausted but with smiles on our faces.


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