Boy Are You Two... May 18, 2008

Noah, you gave us a run for our money at church today.  You are so busy, and you woke up full of energy and two year old independence.  We had so many "time-outs" with you during sacrament meeting today that I thought it would never end.  You sure keep your Daddy and I on our toes.  Throughout the whole thing today though, I couldn't help but smile and think how much I love you and how lucky I am to be the one struggling to teach you right and wrong.  I'm so grateful for that opportunity.
I really needed this snuggle time with you before your nap where we both fell asleep watching Winnie the Pooh.  Daddy took this picture of us when he came home from BYC meeting.
This past week we've had a lot of sweet times together.  One morning I went in to get you after you had woken up and you were so loving.  All you wanted to do was squeeze me tight, but tenderly, around the neck and you kept saying, "Good morning!" and "Love you too Mama!" over and over again.  I love the things you pick up from me.  We went downstairs and opened up the blinds and you spontaneously said, "Good morning" which I know was prompted by the words I've often said since you were born when we open the blinds together in the morning.  I like to say, "Good morning starshine!  The world says hello!" like Willy Wonka does in the movie.  I love our quiet, silly little moments.
We did a lot of other fun things together this week.  I love that part of my job as your mommy is to have all the fun I can with you.  It really is the best job in the world. 
The best day of the week was Wednesday when we went to the "Mommy and Me" exercise class.  This time we had the most fun that we've ever had there.  You were being really clingy to me and didn't want me to put you down.  This was sweet because lately you've been wanting to prove your independence and do everything you can on your own.  Sometimes when you can tell I'm going to help you do something, like get down from your car seat and out of the car, you will shove your little hand out as if to stop me like a police man and say, "Stop it, please!"  (We've had to coach you to add the "please" on the end to that request.  I don't mind you finding words to assert your feelings, but you need to be nice about it.  The please is as nice as I think we can get at this point!)  Anyway, so usually you act like an independent two-year-old, but that day at the gym you just wanted to cling to me like my little baby monkey, so I was going to take all the snuggles I could and enjoy it!  I held you while we danced a little bit and did some stretches to music.  Then, and this was the REALLY fun part, our teacher got out a parachute to play with.  It was our first time playing with it and boy was it a hit!  Our teacher gave us lots of instructions and your attention was so captivated and you were loving it so much that you followed every single instruction perfectly and loved playing all of the games.  We had so much fun telling Daddy about it later.  After class I decided to make our day even more fun and I took you to Macey's grocery store to buy and eat chocolate milk and a donut.  It felt like a special little date.  We've never done that before.  I'm sure whenever we go now to go grocery shopping you'll be wanting a donut, but oh well.  You got as messy as can be eating your chocolate donut with sprinkles and I just didn't even care.  Then we went to the Layton library for story time.  That was a first for us too.  Let's just say a sit down story time after you've had a bunch of sugar with books read by someone other than your mommy who knows how to capture your attention, didn't go as well as the exercise class or the donut date!
Another fun time this week was Thursday when we picked up your cousin Sam and went on a play date with her to the Treehouse Museum.  Aunt Heidi was tired after being up with Jami all night because she is teething, so it was good to give her a chance for a nap.  You love your cousins.  They are your best friends.  They have a new slide at the museum that you hated, was scared of, and loved all at the same time.  It's completely dark inside the slide, completely enclosed, and pretty steep so I can understand you being hesitant about it, but I love that you kept begging to go on it and then would cry when I tried to help you be brave enough to go down it!  So funny, and so true to life - even for adults.  I've felt that way so many times!  After I sent you down by yourself the first time and you came out crying on the other end, I went down with you on my lap the other two times.


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