Noah "Mikey Bones"... June 22, 2008

Dear Noah,
I love that I dream about you when I sleep sometimes because I truly miss you when I put you to bed in the evening.  I'm always a little bit sad that our day is over but so glad that we get to spend the whole next day together being Mommy and Nobo, my little son.
Speaking of nicknames, you have a new one.  You've been so into pirates lately that we decided everyone in our family needed their own pirate name.  Yours is the only one we've come up with so far.  You are Noah "Mikey Bones".  You even remembered your pirate name tonight when you were playing in the tub with your toy pirates.  You kept saying, "Mikey Bones!  Mikey Bones!"
Most of the time you are such an angel to put to bed.  Tonight you were.  One of the things that Daddy tells me before we fall asleep sometimes is, "See you in my dreams!".  He says it to me because he loves me so much and likes being with me so much that it's too bad we ever have to be apart, even to sleep.  I felt that way about you tonight, so I said it to you.  You just laid your contented little head down on your blankies that you use as a pillow and smiled and said, "See you dreams!" right back to me.  Moments like that melt my heart.  I love you so much and am so eternally grateful to be your mother.  I thank our Heavenly Father every day that I'm yours and you are mine.
I wish you could always feel as contented and happy as your little face told me you were tonight.
your Mommy
P.S.  You love your Grandparents so much, both sets.  Today after your nap I went in to get you, and one of the first coherent things you said was, "Go to Grammie's house?".  I told you we could and asked if you wanted to call them and ask them if we could come over first.  You said yes, so we went downstairs and dialed their number on our phone.  As soon as it started to ring I handed it to you.  I could hear that it was Grampie who answered the phone.  You had your very own conversation with him!  You said, "Hi", he asked what you were doing, you told him, and then you said, "Come over and play your house?" all on your own.  It was soooo cute.  I could hear Grandpa giggling and he's not a man who giggles.  Ok, it was more like a long chuckle.  It's so incredibly precious to us to see how much your Grandpa and Grandma love you and enjoy you so much.  You give Grampie Parker "noggins" and the "hi" sign every time you are with him.  It's your special thing.


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