Lagoon... June 14, 2008

Thursday night as soon as Chris got home from work we packed Noah up in our minivan, stopped for some chicken, and went to Lagoon to spend the night together having fun.  Those are the best kind of days.  I love having fun with the people I care about most.
We wandered off to the back part of Lagoon where all the picnic pavillions are, found a quiet spot of grass, and had a picnic.  I even brought my picnic tablecloth/blanket.  It was peaceful and the perfect way to unwind from a day of work.  Noah could hardly eat a bite because he was so excited about getting to ride a "choo choo" in a few minutes.  I had been telling him about it all day long.  So as soon as we were finished with dinner we headed straight to the train ride.  Noah loved it.
Then we took him on the carousel, and I swear he could've ridden it a hundred times until he had ridden every animal on it.  He kept pointing out all the different animals on it that he wanted to ride.  The funnest, for me, was when I took him on the Tilt-o-whirl next.  It was cute to see him waiting in line next to me because he definitely gets the whole waiting in line for a ride thing now, especially after Disneyland.  He waited so patiently and had a lot of fun standing on the metal fence, his little face watching every detail of what was happening on the ride while he waited.  When it was our turn it struck me how adorable he was and so tiny yet so big when he walked up to the ride operator and handed her his ticket and then picked out the "crazy car" we were going to ride in.  We climbed in and he got all set.  He knew to pull the handlebar down and grabbed onto it with excited anticipation.  Then the ride started going round and round and faster and faster and he snuggled into me, put his legs up on the seat sideways and we both screamed, squealed, giggled and laughed.  It was such a fun moment to share! 


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