President Will Turner? November 07, 2008

We love our nightly scripture time with Noah.  We use pictures from the gospel art picture kit and tell the stories or sing a song about the picture.  Noah definitely has his favorites, like Jesus washing Peter's feet, Jesus's empty tomb with the startled Roman soldiers, and Moroni burying the plates.  But I think his favorite, at least lately, is the Latter-Day Prophets picture that starts at Joseph Smith and has pictures of all the prophets up to President Hinckley.  We always sing the primary song, "Latter-Day Prophets", when we do the picture.
A couple of weeks ago I (daddy) decided to have him fill in some blanks while I sang the song.  To my surprise, he knew a few of them.  He's learning more and more each time we do it.  He loves to answer when we point to a picture.  Much like when I was a kid and misheard song lyrics (I still haven't figured out what a "shallminnow" is from "As I Have Loved You"), Noah doesn't quite know them exact.  In the video below, pay special attention to the fourth prophet, who was apparently Jack Sparrow's sidekick before his conversion.
Oh, and for the record, we do dress our boy in clothes most of the time.


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