The Happiest Place On Earth (and Disneyland Too)... April 10, 2008

I know, I know, everyone says Disneyland is the happiest place on earth (or at least Disneyland says Disneyland is the happiest place on earth), but I get to go surfing in a couple of weeks.  I think the ocean is one of the happiest places on earth.  I'm excited to get back out and pretend I still surf as well as I did when I was a teenager in Hawaii and then be sore for a day or two.
And I'm super-excited to take Noah to Disneyland too.  He doesn't really know anything about it, but he'll recognize Pooh and Nemo and Peter Pan and who knows what else.  Most of all, it will be fun to have a vacation and hang out together for a few days and experience Disneyland in a different way than we have when we've gone as a couple in the past.  I'm excited to see him love the Peter Pan ride and I'm interested to see how he'll react to Pirates of the Caribbean.  Will he snuggle up close and say, "I 'cared" in the sweet way he does while peeking out, intrigued by the danger?  Will he love it and talk about it excitedly for days in the way he does , with you understanding only about one-fourth of what he says but knowing exactly what he's talking about?
And I'm excited to watch Laura love being at Disneyland with Noah.  She loves the place so much and has looked forward to taking Noah there for so long; it's sweet.  It'll be fun to go on vacation with my loves.  Oh, and Noah gets to go surfing with daddy.  Well, not quite surfing, but I'll paddle around a little with him on the board (safely, where there aren't any waves).  I've already got a surfboard picked out for him, now I just have to wait a year (or three, if Laura's reading this) for him to be ready. 


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