Hard News... July 17, 2008

Hi everyone.  Most of you know we we've been 'expecting' again.  We've been building a realtionship with a really wonderful person named Erin who was pregnant with a little boy due Aug. 29th and she was planning on placing her son for adoption with us.  Unfortunately, there were some complications, and the baby died in her womb.  He was stillborn this morning at 11:22 weighing 3 lbs. 11 0z., and she gave him the middle name Parker after us.  It has been an incredibly difficult reality for us that we won't be welcoming this new little one into our family, but it has been a sweet experience too.  We are so privileged to have been picked by Erin to be the parents for her son and to have become good friends with her and her family.  Please keep them and us in your prayers.
Chris and Laura


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