Too Busy Having Too Much Fun to Blog... June 21, 2008

This was Noah's first time around a campfire, and he acted like it, and Mommy's first time with her child around a campfire, and she acted like it too!  Noah loved it.  Are you kidding?!  He LOVES firefighters so of course fire is wonderful and amazing and the fact that Mommy and Daddy were letting him roast marshmallows in it, a.k.a. "play" in it, was even better.  Not only that, but he got to "play" in it with what he thought was a pirate sword.  Lucky boy.  By the end of 1/2 hour of him playing in the fire with his pirate stick, Mommy's nerves were shot.  Daddy, not so much; he thought it was no big deal and a lot of fun.  I guess that's the difference of Mommies vs. Daddies.

Happy Father's Day!  It was too.  Noah gave Daddy a framed watercolor painting that he painted himself at the Treehouse Museum for him to put in his new office at work.  Daddy loved it.  It was a "home run" kind of present.  What Daddy loved more though was when Noah fell asleep with him after church and they had some snuggle time.

We have the funnest neighbor-friends that live across the street from us.  Laura likes talking to Terri, the mom, and Noah loves to play with her twin boys Austin and Conner.  Seriously, he would love to play with them every day if he could.  They came over to swim and play for a few hours and have lunch and we all had a great time.  They are like little monkeys who all like to do what the others are doing.  That explains the squirt bottles.  Notice how Noah and Conner have matching expressions.  So funny!  These guys get along great!

Maybe it's just that I adore everything that Noah does, well almost everything--he is two you know, but I think this playdough sculpture he made this morning is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.  Noah loves elephants and this is his playdough elephant.

Here he is giving it a kiss.  He is so busy, and I wouldn't trade it for anything, but he keeps me on my toes.  This morning he had already had 2 full sippy cups of chocolate milk and he was telling me he wanted some Gatorade.  I decided he'd had enough sugar for the morning so I told him he could have water.  Of course he didn't like that.  "Juicy, now!" he said in the most demanding and meanest two-year-old voice that he could muster.  (Yeah, we're working on the two-year-old "Now!" in a mean voice thing.)  So he wandered off still mad about the "juicy" thing and not wanting me to get him any water.  I was busy making banana bread, Chris was getting ready to take a shower, we were both pretty much right there, but somehow he got the almost completly full container of bright blue Gatorade powder (and it makes 6 gallons so it's a big container) our of the pantry, got the lid off, and dumped it all over the carpet on the stairs.  It's not that we weren't watching, but he is so fast.  So, Noah got put on the "naughty spot" for two minutes and now I think it will smell like blue Gatorade whenever I vacuum.  Oh well. 
The other funny story of the morning is that he kept begging for a pickle.  A pickle?  He'd just had breakfast and didn't eat a whole bunch of it so we decided not to give him any snacks and that he would just have to wait for our official "snack time" or lunch.  (Lately he's been grazing too much in between meals and then he doesn't want to eat lunch, or dinner, or whatever it is.  So, we're cutting back on the snacks.)  He kept asking for a pickle though, and it wasn't until he said he wanted to go outside to eat it and pointed to our patio that we realized he was getting confused and calling a popsicle a pickle.  Chris and I both laughed and I said he could have a pickle.  He wasn't too happy when I showed him what a pickle really was.  He's such a funny boy.  We have had a lot of fun with him eating popsicles on our patio though.  He likes the purple ones.  I love hearing him say "purple"...
Also, Chris and I just got asked to be a "Ma" and a "Pa" on our stake's Pioneer trek this summer.  So this morning we took Noah to Sportsman's Warehouse to buy some new camping stuff.  Laura got a new sleeping pad for camping.  Noah thought it was his "surfboard" and held it the whole way home in the car.  We told him it was really a sleeping pad for camping and then he decided that he wanted to go camping right away.  So, he's up in his room right now sleeping, I mean "camping", in his little Noah-sized sleeping bag.  I can't wait to go camping with him for real this summer.


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