Dark Chocolate Ice Cream, A Girl Named Licha, and Short Hair... October 06, 2007

Noah's new short hair is courtesy of a girl named Licha.  He met her at Cold Stone one afternoon when he was supposed to be taking a nap, but instead was way not tired and his mom and dad needed an ice cream break.  We all shared a dark chocolate ice cream creation complete with cherry pie filling and marshmallows while Noah ran, danced, and boogied his way around the restaurant to no music at all except for the silly song they sang to us there because they got a tip.  Thankfully not many people visit Cold Stone in the middle of the day in the middle of fall, so we didn't worry at all about Noah's antics, but just laughed at them.  He was lovin' it!  It turns out someone else was lovin' it too: Licha.  Licha is a pretty new student at a nearby beauty college and it was apparently her turn to pick up everyone else's ice cream that day.  She wasn't having any.  Nice girl, huh?  Well, she really is a nice girl, because not only did she pick up everyone at the beauty shop's ice cream orders, but she fell under Noah's charming spell and volunteered to cut his hair for free!  So, after we finished our ice cream we headed over and she did a great job cutting his hair.  It's so short now!  It makes him look even more like an almost two year old than a just got out of babyhood one-and-a-half-year-old.  I like it.  He's been obsessed lately with Winnie the Pooh, music, dancing, running around in circles "as fast as he can" in the living room, wearing hats, and anything to do with basketballs.  Pretty cute.  I took these pictures this morning of him enjoying life.


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