Some of Mommy's Favorite Things That You Do... July 09, 2008

You are learning how to sing and it's so precious!  So far your best songs are:
"Yo-ho, yo-ho, pirates life for meeeee!"
(My favorite because every time it seems to have a bit of a different melody to it.  You always sing it with so much enthusiasm.)  "Happy birday tooooo meeeee!  and Noah  and Sam!  Happy birday tooooo meeee!"  I think you always include Sam because on your 1/2 birthday we went to their house to play in the pool and I was silly and brought cupcakes and birthday hats and sang it to you.  Sam wanted a candle on hers too, and since it wasn't really either of your birthdays, we sang to you both.
We're working on teaching you the ABC song.  So far you sing "A Bey Ceeeee!"
You have Old Mcdonald down too.  You can catch a word or two as you try to sing along with me to other familiar songs too.
My other recent favorite is that you are turning into quite a polite little one.  You often say please, thank you and you're welcome to me.  It's so pleasant!  When you accidentally bump me you will even say sorry.  What a good little boy you are.
The sweetest by far though is that you are learning how to pray.  We can get you started by helping you to close your eyes, and fold your arms and then we say, "Say, Heavenly Father" and you say, "Hevnly Fadther.  Tank you Ma-Kimmie.  Tank you Da-da.  Toys, choo-choo.  Jesus.  Amen!!!!"  and you always throw your arms open at the very end like a major accomplishment has been done and it deserves a celebration.  That may be true because your Daddy and I are very proud of you.  We love you.
