A Sick Mommie's Two Best Friends... January 18, 2008

Fruit snacks and television!  So, my prediction was right.  I got sick.  Noah had it for a week starting the day before his birthday, then Chris got, now it's my turn.  It hasn't been the end of the world, and at least it wasn't during Christmas (although I'm pretty sure a Christmas party started the whole thing...)  I guess you can't avoid being sick forever and a cold is just a cold.  Either I'm a whimp, or being sick and being a parent at the same time is hard.  Noah is so cooped up!  He's been such a trooper.  As long as I keep the toys out, the movies on, and the snacks coming, he's pretty alright.  We're going to be so happy when this is all over though!  We're going everywhere and going to have lots of fun.  That's what I keep telling myself. 
Chris is getting ready to start his "busy" season at work on Monday.  This is the time of year we gear up for all year long.  He's going to be working a lot of late nights and bringing work home on weekends.  It's only for 6 weeks though.  I thank my lucky stars that that's all it is for.  I know a lot of his classmates, and a few of my sisters for that matter, live this life every day of the year.  I'm pretty lucky.
At least Valentine's Day is in the middle of it all.  Chris and I do something really fun for V-day every year.  We call it, "The Fourteen Days of Valentine's".  Starting on the first of February and through Valentine's Day we take turns every other day giving each other small presents.  This year I get to give him something on all the odd days and he gives me something on the even days.  We both do Valentine's Day.  It's so wonderful to spend so much time thinking about the other one and coming up with so many surprises.  It's so much fun that I can't believe the rest of the world doesn't do it.  That's what gets us through this busy time.  It starts two weeks in, goes for another two weeks, and then we only have two more to go.  And at the end of his busy time, we like to take a family vacation together to some place fun.  This year we're thinking we will go to Zion National Park like we did last year and add the Grand Canyon on to it.  We're planning on going with my parents, Grandpa, and sister Megan too.  Fun!  Then in April we're planning a trip to Disneyland!  I can't tell you how excited I am for that!
Noah has been doing a lot of cute things, but I'm too tired to put it all together into a post right now.  I've been taking notes on a notepad for later though so they are coming.  No pictures for this post either, but believe me, you don't want any!  Noah and I have had pajama days the past two days and it shows.


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